Monday, May 9, 2011

. best .97 cents ever .

it's HOT outside!  and i was trying to find a cheap and easy activity that we could do outside to keep cool without putting on swimsuits and going through all of that craziness with 4 little ones.  look what i found for 97 cents each ...

if we had nothing else to do, they'd play with these water bottles for HOURS!  we're trying to learn not to squirt faces and our main activity with them is to paint the fence ...

. boxed 'em up .

it's always the simple things that make kids happy.  we buy toys and make tons of plans, but it always ends up being the silliest things that occupy them for hours ...

a box.  who knew?!?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

. easter projects .

i think i have an obsession with handprint art.  :)

. happy spring .

yes, i'm still open.  apparently this blog gets the back burner!  sorry.

these kids keep me busy, all day, with the exception of the 2 hours they crash and burn.  seriously, we play so hard all morning that they are asking me to take a nap by 1:00. 

since is spring and super close to easter, we've been doing a lot of this ...

they get VERY excited when i bring out the eggs to play with and we work very hard at matching colors and recognizing colors.  they know the rules though .. no eggs in the mouth, no throwing eggs, no eggs on the floor.  and they do really good at following the rules.

L did NOT want to play with the eggs that day, but she usually dives in!  she is definitely finding her place.

we play with the eggs probably every day.  one day, i hid them outside and let them find them.  one day we washed them.  one day we hid them inside.  they like to roll them all over.  and i even put 2 pieces of pasta in them one day and let them shake them.  there are endless possibilities when it comes to plastic eggs!