Tuesday, January 4, 2011

. everyone's back .

i loved today.  all of the kiddos were back from the break and we had a blast.  it was a great day.  the worst part was the 6 dirty diapers between the 4 babies that wear them.  we had a relaxing day.  i didn't plan anything because i wasn't sure how the little ones would be adjusting back to our schedule.  you know how it is when they've been with their grandparents.  :)   amazingly, they all did so well. 

here are a few highlights of the day ...

B wore S's boots for the majority of the afternoon. 

this morning we played legos for a good 45 minutes. 

and J was content to sit and read. 

one thing we are working harder at is picking up our toys as soon as we're done playing with them.  i think this is a hard task for any little one to accomplish, but we're working on it.  i wasn't a stickler with this all last year and now it's time.  the big girls have it down pat.  and they get rewarded for it. 

i'm so excited to see how the Lord is going to bless us this year and what He's going to teach us. 

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