Monday, November 29, 2010


i typically am a clean freak, or at least i want to be.  maybe more like a neat freak.  my house stays filthy, but i try to keep it picked up at least.  i like things to be in their places and am definitely a "less is more" kinda girl.  so when i opened up my home to 4 children other than my own, i was definitely unusre of the outcome of what 6 small children can do to a place in such a short amount of time.  for instance ...

it's been worse.  but i clean it 3 times a day.  every day.  could you imagine what it would be like if i didn't clean every day?!?  don't even think about it.  it'd be nasty for sure.  these babies are messy!!!  but i wouldn't have it any other way.  the way i see it, if my house is dirty, that means babies were playing and eating.  and that's a good thing.

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