Wednesday, December 1, 2010

december is here!

this is going to be a busy month for us.  i'm sure it'll go by so quickly we won't even know what hit us.  between our usual coloring, playing with play-doh, building blocks, and reading books, we'll have even more activities going on. 

big news this week ... baby L is WALKING!  she was 3 months old when i started taking care of her and i can't believe she's already one and walking all over.  i absolutely love being able to watch them grow and learn. 

mark your calendars!!  december 17th is our "happy birthday Jesus" party!  i chose that day b/c it's the last day in december that all 6 of these sweet kiddos will be here together.  we'll be doing fun stuff and arts and crafts all day, plus a party at lunch time and cupcakes for our afternoon snack. 

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