Monday, December 6, 2010

. baby L .

mondays, wednesdays, and fridays are very laid back around here.  the big girls are at preschool, so it's just me and the babies.  we do our animal sounds and colors as usual and just do baby play.  it's nice to have that one on one time with them, but you should see the smiles on their little faces when the big girls walk in the house at 12:30. 

the youngest, baby L, is now walking around and joins in on most of what we're doing.  now, there are some things i save to do with the other babies when she takes her morning nap, such as play-doh.  but while she's awake, this has been her favorite spot to be lately ...

she's hilarious.  and as little as she is, she lets the others know when they've crossed the line.  :) 

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